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latest news
Moving Hosts
iSophia has just moved hosts across the water to Media temple and a Grid Server. Things should all be up and running again minus a few glitches, mostly caused by an upgrade to wordpress which should be ironed out shortly!
Read MoreProRes Gamma shift fix.
There is nothing so frustrating as unexpected Gamma shifts. Round tripping between AE and FCP when using ProRes 4444 you may notice a gamma shift when bringing exports from After Effects into Final Cut Pro. To avoid this gamma shift, you’ll need to edit your After Effects CS4 QuickTime […]
Read MoreImages from the summer & a few updates
This has been the first year in many that i have only taken a handful of images during the months of July/August, but i’ve eventually sorted through them with a small collection here. Also some subtle changes to the site are coming in; an increased width adjustment, less padding with […]
Read MoreWelcome Back… Almost
Welcome back to the new isophia site. Finally a rather cleaner, easier website to both use and update, and one that for the first time is not a hash of bits and pieces of code jammed together in attempt to create a working website! There is work to do still, and […]
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