Welcome back to the new isophia site. Finally a rather cleaner, easier website to both use and update, and one that for the first time is not a hash of bits and pieces of code jammed together in attempt to create a working website! There is work to do still, and content to add (always inportant), but that will all come over the next few days, and as footage from old work becomes available.
- The gallery is now backup and running (you need a recent version of flash to view this)
- The projects list is up, its just missing most of the content!
- Most of the main template changes are complete
- Most of the graphics are done apart from a few odds and ends.
- Quicktime elements have been added now (thanks to the very handy little ‘Quicktime Embed‘ Plugin – handy in minimising the use of flash on the site (still used for slideshow pro and the image gallery)